Class TrafficSignalCondition

Applied Stereotypes:

Considered true if a referenced traffic signal (e.g. from an OpenDRIVE file) reaches a specific observable state.

Used in:
  Name Type Cardinality AppliedStereotypes Description
  name string 1..1 XSDattribute ID of the referenced signal in a road network file.
  state string 1..1 XSDattribute Observable state of the signal to be reached for the condition to become true.
XSD 1.3 Representation

<xsd:complexType name="TrafficSignalCondition">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="String" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="state" type="String" use="required"/>

Change log from version 1.2
  • Annotation changed
    • New Value
      Considered true if a referenced traffic signal (e.g. from an OpenDRIVE file) reaches a specific observable state.
      From 1.2.0
      Considered true if a referenced traffic signal (e.g. from an OpenDRIVE file) reaches a specific states. Signal IDs are listed in the TrafficSignal list of the RoadNetwork together with their states and their controllers to enable dynamic signal modelling.
  • Property 'name'. Annotation changed.
    • New Value
      ID of the referenced signal in a road network file.
      From 1.2.0
      ID of the referenced signal defined in a road network. The signal ID must be listed in the TrafficSignal list of the RoadNetwork section.
  • Property 'state'. Annotation changed.
    • New Value
      Observable state of the signal to be reached for the condition to become true.
      From 1.2.0
      State of the signal to be reached for the condition to become true.
Stereotype Details Information
  • Class
    • XSDcomplexType [modelGroup: "sequence"; mixed: "false"]
  • Property name
    • XSDattribute
  • Property state
    • XSDattribute