7.1 Overview of a scenario

To represent a traffic situation, an OSC Model Instance is built up of four main components:

  • Road network: mapping of the different driving surfaces and all relevant elements of the road infrastructure, like traffic signals.

  • Entities: road users, including vehicles, pedestrians, and other miscellaneous objects that interact during a scenario.

  • Actions: basic building blocks to define dynamic behavior of the entities. It may also be used to modify simulation states or components of the simulated world.

  • Triggers: mechanism that determines when an action starts or stops. It is built on logical expressions revolving around the states of entities or the simulation.

It is possible to design a scenario without a road network but it restricts the application of certain ASAM OpenSCENARIO actions.

The structure of the OSC Model Instance was created with the purpose to host and combine the main components listed above in such a way that rich driving scenarios can be defined. This chapter introduces the ASAM OpenSCENARIO structure, how the different components fit in the structure, and how these components relate to one another.