Enumeration CoordinateSystem

Definition of the coordinate system to be used for calculations. If used in a condition, then the coordinate system relates to the triggering entity. If used in an action, the coordinate system relates to the actor.

Used in:
AngleCondition , DistanceCondition , LateralDistanceAction , LongitudinalDistanceAction , RelativeAngleCondition , RelativeDistanceCondition , TimeHeadwayCondition , TimeToCollisionCondition
Enumeration Literals
  Name Applied Stereotypes Description
  entity Cartesian XYZ coordinate system (origin is the origin of the entity´s local coordinate system.)
  lane Road-based s,t coordinate system (s-axis is the lane center line of the lane, on which the entity is located).
  road Road-based s,t coordinate system (s-axis is the road center line of the road, on which the entity is located).
  trajectory Trajectory-based s,t coordinate system (s-axis is the trajectory-arc, which the entity follows).
  world Cartesian XYZ world coordinate system.
XSD 1.3 Representation

<xsd:simpleType name="CoordinateSystem">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="entity"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="lane"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="road"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="trajectory"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="world"/>
<xsd:restriction base="parameter"/>

Change log from version 1.2
  • Enumeration literal 'world' created.
  • Enumeration literal 'trajectory' changed. Annotation changed.
    • New Value
      Trajectory-based s,t coordinate system (s-axis is the trajectory-arc, which the entity follows).
      From 1.2.0
      Trajectory-based s,t coordinate system (s-axis is the trajectory-arc, which the entity follows).