11.2 Slow preceding vehicle

This example, which is shown in Figure 52, describes a traffic situation where the Ego vehicle approaches a slower vehicle in the same lane of a two-lane curved highway.

At the initialization phase, the environment conditions are set. The preceding vehicle is instantiated at the rightmost lane. It is driving at a constant speed of 80 km/h. The Ego vehicle is instantiated relative to this vehicle in the same lane, but 200 m behind, driving at 100 km/h.

Each ParameterDeclaration assign a default value to each parameter in the scenario. Default parameter assignments can be overwritten by external applications or parameter distribution files.

For this scenario, a deterministic and stochastic distribution are defined:

  • SlowPrecedingVehicleDeterministicParameterSet.xosc for the deterministic distribution parameter set. The parameters for the speed of the Ego and the speed of A1 are varied in a deterministic manner. All possible values from the speed of the Ego are combined with all possible values from the speed of A1. Furthermore, the environment is varied with two parameter sets, where the time of day is coupled with the angle of the sun.

  • SlowPrecedingVehicleStochasticParameterSet.xosc for the stochastic distribution parameter set. The parameters for the speed of the Ego and the speed of A1 are varied in a stochastic manner. For each of the simulation runs, the parameters are varied independently from each other. The weight defines how often the values appears for a given parameter.

This scenario teaches the instantiation of instances of Entity, the use of ParameterDeclaration, and the definition of deterministic and stochastic parameter sets.

examples 2 slow preceding vehicle
Figure 52. Slow preceding scenario example