11.4 End of traffic jam, neighboring lane occupied

This example, which is shown in Figure 54, extends the scenario described in Section 11.3, "End of traffic jam" by a fourth vehicle on a three-lane highway with limited friction. The rightmost and the leftmost lanes of this highway are blocked by stationary vehicles. A third vehicle performs a lane change to the centermost lane in order to prevent a collision with the stationary vehicle on the rightmost lane. At the same time, it decelerates until it arrives at a full stop.

At the initialization phase, the environment conditions are set. The Ego vehicle is instantiated at a constant speed of 80 km/h on the rightmost lane of the road. 300 m ahead of the Ego vehicle, a vehicle is instantiated in the same lane at a speed of 70 km/h. 1000 m ahead of the Ego vehicle, a third vehicle is instantiated in the same lane as the other two vehicles. This vehicle is stationary (speed 0 km/h). It is accompanied by a fourth vehicle, which is situated two lanes left and 1000 m ahead of the Ego vehicle.

At simulation runtime, the vehicle driving in front of the Ego vehicle at a speed of 70 km/h performs a lane change to the left as soon as it approaches the stationary vehicle in the same lane by 55 m. In parallel to the lane change, it decreases its speed linearly by 10 m/s2 until it arrives at a full stop.

This scenario teaches the instantiation of instances of Entity. Moreover, parameters are introduced by a ParameterDeclaration. Most parameters belong to a global scope, some are overruled by parameter declarations with a local scope. Furthermore, parallel actions are used.

examples 4 end of traffic jam neighboring lane occupied
Figure 54. Neighboring lane occupied scenario example