11.5 Double lane changer
This example, which is shown in Figure 55, describes a traffic situation where the Ego vehicle is driving at the rightmost lane of a three-lane motorway behind another vehicle at the same speed, leaving a gap. A faster vehicle approaches the Ego vehicle from behind on the centermost lane. This vehicle changes lanes into the gap on the rightmost lane after it has passed the Ego vehicle. In order to avoid collision with the vehicle driving ahead of the Ego vehicle, it immediately changes back to the center lane.
At the initialization phase, the Ego vehicle is initialized at the rightmost lane at a speed of 130 km/h. A second vehicle is initialized 13 m behind the Ego vehicle at the centermost lane driving at a speed of 170 km/h. A third vehicle is initialized 70 m ahead of the Ego vehicle on the rightmost lane driving at 130 km/h.
At simulation runtime, when the fast vehicle on the centermost lane has passed the Ego vehicle by 5 m, it performs a sinusoidal lane change to the rightmost lane. When this action is completed, the vehicle immediately changes back to the centermost lane, using another sinusoidal lane change.
This scenario teaches the instantiation of instances of Entity
using Cartesian coordinates, use of conditions and consecutive execution of LaneChangeAction