Class RelativeTargetLane

Applied Stereotypes:

Target lane defined as difference compared to the reference entity's current lane evaluated in the reference entity's coordinate system. I.e. positive values refer to lanes in the positive y-axis of the reference entity's coordinate system, negative values refer to lanes in the negative y-axis respectively. For ASAM OpenDRIVE maps, the road center lane is not counted as a lane and thus omitted.

Used in:
  Name Type Cardinality AppliedStereotypes Description
  entityRef Entity 1..1 nameRef, XSDattribute Reference entity.
  value int 1..1 XSDattribute Signed number defining the target lane as difference compared to the reference entity's current lane evaluated in the reference entity's coordinate system.
XSD 1.3 Representation

<xsd:complexType name="RelativeTargetLane">
<xsd:attribute name="entityRef" type="String" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="value" type="Int" use="required"/>

Change log from version 1.2
  • Annotation changed
    • New Value
      Target lane defined as difference compared to the reference entity's current lane evaluated in the reference entity's coordinate system. I.e. positive values refer to lanes in the positive y-axis of the reference entity's coordinate system, negative values refer to lanes in the negative y-axis respectively. For ASAM OpenDRIVE maps, the road center lane is not counted as a lane and thus omitted.
      From 1.2.0
      Defines the relative lane offset to a reference entity as target for a LaneChangeTarget.
  • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
    • New Value
      Signed number defining the target lane as difference compared to the reference entity's current lane evaluated in the reference entity's coordinate system.
      From 1.2.0
      Signed number of lanes that is offset the reference entity's current lane.
Stereotype Details Information
  • Class
    • XSDcomplexType [modelGroup: "sequence"; mixed: "false"]
  • Property entityRef
    • nameRef [xsdType: "string"]
    • XSDattribute
  • Property value
    • XSDattribute