Class LanePosition

Applied Stereotypes:

Position defined in terms of the road segment (roadId), the lane (laneId) of the road, the distance (s) along the road's reference line, and the lateral offset to the lane's center line along the lane center line's t-axis. Orientation is optional.
The s-coordinate and the offset should be specified so that the target position is within a road defined by roadId taken from the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). If the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the z-coordinate of the position is undefined.

Used in:
  Name Type Cardinality AppliedStereotypes Description
  laneId string 1..1 XSDattribute The ID of the target lane belonging to the target road (taken from the respective road network definition file).
  offset double 0..1 XSDattribute The lateral offset to the center line of the target lane (along the t-axis of the target lane center line). Missing value is interpreted as 0. The positive value means the offset is applied in the direction of the t-axis being imagined at the target s-position. Unit: [m].
  roadId string 1..1 XSDattribute The ID of the target road taken from the respective road network definition file.
  s double 1..1 XSDattribute The s-coordinate taken along the road's reference line from the start point of the target road. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
  orientation Orientation 0..1 XSDelement The Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard.
The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (X,Y)-plane counting from the X-axis.
The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the (s,t)-coordinate system of the target lane that is considered a reference orientation. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (s,t)-plane counting from the tangent to the lane s-axis at the point with the target s-coordinate.
Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the relative reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
XSD 1.3 Representation

<xsd:complexType name="LanePosition">
<xsd:element name="Orientation" type="Orientation" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="laneId" type="String" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="offset" type="Double"/>
<xsd:attribute name="roadId" type="String" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="s" type="Double" use="required"/>

Change log from version 1.2
  • Annotation changed
    • New Value
      Position defined in terms of the road segment (roadId), the lane (laneId) of the road, the distance (s) along the road's reference line, and the lateral offset to the lane's center line along the lane center line's t-axis. Orientation is optional. The s-coordinate and the offset should be specified so that the target position is within a road defined by roadId taken from the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). If the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the z-coordinate of the position is undefined.
      From 1.2.0
      Position defined in terms of the road segment (roadId), the lane (laneId) of the road, the distance (s) along the road's reference line, and the lateral offset to the lane's center line along the normal to the road's reference line. Orientation is optional. The s-coordinate and the offset should be specified so that the target position is within a road defined by roadId taken from the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). If the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the z-coordinate of the position is undefined.
  • Property 'offset'. Annotation changed.
    • New Value
      The lateral offset to the center line of the target lane (along the t-axis of the target lane center line). Missing value is interpreted as 0. The positive value means the offset is applied in the direction of the t-axis being imagined at the target s-position. Unit: [m].
      From 1.2.0
      The lateral offset to the center line of the target lane (along the normal to the road's reference line). Missing value is interpreted as 0. The positive value means the offset is applied in the direction of the t-axis being imagined at the target s-position. Unit: [m].
  • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
    • New Value
      The Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (X,Y)-plane counting from the X-axis. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the (s,t)-coordinate system of the target lane that is considered a reference orientation. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (s,t)-plane counting from the tangent to the lane s-axis at the point with the target s-coordinate. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the relative reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
      From 1.2.0
      The Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (X,Y)-plane counting from the X-axis. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the (s,t)-coordinate system of the target road that is considered a reference orientation. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (s,t)-plane counting from the tangent to the road s-axis at the point with the target s-coordinate. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
Stereotype Details Information
  • Class
    • XSDcomplexType [modelGroup: "all"; mixed: "false"]
  • Property laneId
    • XSDattribute
  • Property offset
    • XSDattribute
  • Property roadId
    • XSDattribute
  • Property s
    • XSDattribute
  • Property orientation
    • XSDelement [position: "1"]