Class Phase
- Applied Stereotypes:
Phase of a TrafficSignalController. A TrafficSignalController has sequential semantic phases, forming the signal cycle. Each semantic phase can have multiple TrafficSignalStates or one TrafficSignalGroupState (mutually exclusive). When TrafficSignalStates are used to model the observable states of a traffic signal individually, exactly one TrafficSignalState has to be defined for every traffic signal controlled by this TrafficSignalController. The semantic phase information like go, attention, stop, etc. is set in Phase attribute name and the observable state like the visual information "off;off;on" in trafficSignalStates or trafficSignalGroupState.
- Used in:
TrafficSignalController ,
TrafficSignalControllerAction ,
Properties |
Name |
Type |
Cardinality |
AppliedStereotypes |
Description |
duration |
double |
1..1 |
Duration of the phase. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[. |
name |
string |
1..1 |
Semantic information about the phase. Typical values are: off, stop, attention, stop_attention, go, go_exclusive |
trafficSignalStates |
TrafficSignalState |
0..* |
Each phase can have multiple TrafficSignalStates to provide the observable state for all traffic signals individually that are controlled by the controller. One for each TrafficSignal. E.g. name="go" (trafficSignal1:"off;off;on", trafficSignal2:"off;off;on"). |
trafficSignalGroupState |
TrafficSignalGroupState |
0..1 |
Each phase can have one TrafficSignalGroupState to provide the observable state for all traffic signals that are controlled by the controller if they share the same state. E.g. name="go" ("off;off;on"). |
XSD 1.3 Representation |
<xsd:complexType name="Phase">
<xsd:element name="TrafficSignalState" type="TrafficSignalState" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="TrafficSignalGroupState" type="TrafficSignalGroupState" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="duration" type="Double" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="String" use="required"/>
XSD Transformation |
UML Element |
Stereotype |
Description |
trafficSignalStates |
XSDunwrapped |
This property represents an unwrapped list in XSD. The element name 'TrafficSignalState' is used for the list elements. |
Change log from version 1.2 |
- Annotation changed
- New Value
- Phase of a TrafficSignalController. A TrafficSignalController has sequential semantic phases, forming the signal cycle. Each semantic phase can have multiple TrafficSignalStates or one TrafficSignalGroupState (mutually exclusive). When TrafficSignalStates are used to model the observable states of a traffic signal individually, exactly one TrafficSignalState has to be defined for every traffic signal controlled by this TrafficSignalController. The semantic phase information like go, attention, stop, etc. is set in Phase attribute name and the observable state like the visual information "off;off;on" in trafficSignalStates or trafficSignalGroupState.
- From 1.2.0
- Phase of a TrafficSignalController. A TrafficSignalController has sequential phases. Each phase can have multiple TrafficSignalStates or one TrafficSignalGroupState (mutually exclusive). When TrafficSignalStates are used to model the states of a traffic signal individually, exactly one TrafficSignalState has to be defined for every traffic signal controlled by this TrafficSignalController.
The semantic information like go, attention, stop, etc. is set in Phase attribute name and the state like the visual information "off;off;on" in trafficSignalStates or trafficSignalGroupState.
- Property 'trafficSignalGroupState' created.
- Property 'trafficeSignalGroupState' removed.
- Property 'trafficSignalStates'. Annotation changed.
- New Value
- Each phase can have multiple TrafficSignalStates to provide the observable state for all traffic signals individually that are controlled by the controller. One for each TrafficSignal. E.g. name="go" (trafficSignal1:"off;off;on", trafficSignal2:"off;off;on").
- From 1.2.0
- Each phase can have multiple TrafficSignalStates to provide the state for all traffic signals individually that are controlled by the controller. One for each TrafficSignal. E.g. name="go" (trafficSignal1:"off;off;on", trafficSignal2:"off;off;on").
Stereotype Details Information |
- Class
- XSDcomplexType [modelGroup: "sequence"; mixed: "false"]
- Property duration
- Property name
- Property trafficSignalStates
- XSDunwrapped [xsdElementName: "TrafficSignalState"]
- XSDelement [position: "1"]
- Property trafficSignalGroupState
- XSDelement [position: "2"]