Class GeoPosition

Applied Stereotypes:

Position defined in terms of the spherical geographic coordinates (angular Longitude and Latitude) derived from the geodetic datum specified in the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). Optionally, the orientation of the position can be specified.
In the general case, the altitude of the target position above a conventional reference level (e.g., the mean sea level on the Earth) is determined by the surface of the underlying road, which is derived from the Longitude/Latitude-coordinates of the position. However, optionally, the altitude of the target position with respect to the road surface can be specified.
The orientation of the road in the inertial (X,Y,Z)-coordinate system, in turn, is specified in the respective road network definition file too.
The transformation of angular geographic coordinates into the flat (X,Y)-projection in the World coordinate system is entrusted to a simulation environment. However, if the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the Z-coordinate of the position is undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard.

Used in:
  Name Type Cardinality AppliedStereotypes Description
  altitude double 0..1 XSDattribute Altitude is the Earth gravity-related vertical distance along the z-axis above the road surface, specified horizontally by its Longitude/Latitude coordinates and vertically by the verticalRoadSelection attribute. When calculating the road surface, it is accounted for an elevation of the road, an entire road super-elevation, or, in more complex cases, a road lateral shape profile that are specified in the road network definition (external to the OpenSCENARIO). Missing value is interpreted as altitude=0. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
D height double 0..1 XSDattribute, deprecated Height above a reference surface (e.g. sea level, earth surface). Unit: [m]. If the value is omitted, height is interpreted as 0.
D latitude double 0..1 XSDattribute, deprecated The latitude of a point on earth's surface is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that passes through that point and through the center of the earth. Unit: [rad]. Range: [-PI..PI].
  latitudeDeg double 0..1 XSDattribute The latitude of a point on earth's surface is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that passes through that point and through the center of the earth. Unit: [°]. Range: [-90..90]. Missing value is interpreted as 0.
D longitude double 0..1 XSDattribute, deprecated The longitude of a point on earth's surface is the angle east or west of a reference meridian to another meridian that passes through that point. Unit: [rad]. Range: [-PI/2..PI/2].
  longitudeDeg double 0..1 XSDattribute The longitude of a point on earth's surface is the angle east or west of a reference meridian to another meridian that passes through that point. Unit: [°]. Range: [-180..180]. Missing value is interpreted as 0.
  verticalRoadSelection int 0..1 XSDattribute Selection of a road for determining the correct z-value of the position if multiple roads are located at the specified lat/lon coordinate. Value 0 is interpreted as the top-most road. The value decreases by one for every road below. If several roads are located on the same z-value (e.g. junctions), they are treated interchangeably with the same value (e.g. junction at top with two roads = value 0, next road below has value -1). Default if omitted: 0. Range: ]-inf, 0].
  orientation Orientation 0..1 XSDelement In the case of altitude=0, the Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface at the target position and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard.
The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system, which is assumed to be the projected coordinate system based on the spherical geographic coordinate system.
The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the reference (s,t)-coordinate system of the lane on the road underlying the target position. The Heading angle at the target position on the (s,t)-plane can be arbitrarily specified. To calculate the Heading, the imaginary straight axis at the target position is built parallel to the tangent to the reference lane s-axis on the reference road. The Heading is counted from this imaginary axis.
Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the relative reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
  • Property height deprecated. With version 1.2. Use altitude instead.
  • Property latitude deprecated. With version 1.2. Use latitudeDeg instead.
  • Property longitude deprecated. With version 1.2. Use longitudeDeg instead.
XSD 1.3 Representation

<xsd:complexType name="GeoPosition">
<xsd:element name="Orientation" type="Orientation" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="latitude" type="Double">
<xsd:attribute name="longitude" type="Double">
<xsd:attribute name="height" type="Double">
<xsd:attribute name="latitudeDeg" type="Double"/>
<xsd:attribute name="longitudeDeg" type="Double"/>
<xsd:attribute name="altitude" type="Double"/>
<xsd:attribute name="verticalRoadSelection" type="Int"/>

Change log from version 1.2
  • Property 'verticalRoadSelection' created.
  • Property 'altitude'. Annotation changed.
    • New Value
      Altitude is the Earth gravity-related vertical distance along the z-axis above the road surface, specified horizontally by its Longitude/Latitude coordinates and vertically by the verticalRoadSelection attribute. When calculating the road surface, it is accounted for an elevation of the road, an entire road super-elevation, or, in more complex cases, a road lateral shape profile that are specified in the road network definition (external to the OpenSCENARIO). Missing value is interpreted as altitude=0. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
      From 1.2.0
      Altitude is the Earth gravity-related vertical distance from the target position, specified horizontally by its Longitude/Latitude coordinates, to the closest point on the underlying road surface.When calculating the closest point, it is accounted for an elevation of the road, an entire road super-elevation, or, in more complex cases, a road lateral shape profile that are specified in the road network definition (external to the OpenSCENARIO).Missing value is interpreted as altitude=0. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
  • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
    • New Value
      In the case of altitude=0, the Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface at the target position and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system, which is assumed to be the projected coordinate system based on the spherical geographic coordinate system. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the reference (s,t)-coordinate system of the lane on the road underlying the target position. The Heading angle at the target position on the (s,t)-plane can be arbitrarily specified. To calculate the Heading, the imaginary straight axis at the target position is built parallel to the tangent to the reference lane s-axis on the reference road. The Heading is counted from this imaginary axis. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the relative reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
      From 1.2.0
      In the case of altitude=0, the Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface at the target position and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system, which is assumed to be the projected coordinate system based on the spherical geographic coordinate system. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the reference (s,t)-coordinate system of the lane on the road underlying the target position. The Heading angle at the target position on the (s,t)-plane can be arbitrarily specified. To calculate the Heading, the imaginary straight axis at the target position is built parallel to the tangent to the reference lane s-axis on the reference road. The Heading is counted from this imaginary axis. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
Stereotype Details Information
  • Class
    • XSDcomplexType [modelGroup: "all"; mixed: "false"]
  • Property altitude
    • XSDattribute
  • Property height
    • XSDattribute
    • deprecated [withVersion: "1.2"; comment: "Use altitude instead."]
  • Property latitude
    • XSDattribute
    • deprecated [withVersion: "1.2"; comment: "Use latitudeDeg instead."]
  • Property latitudeDeg
    • XSDattribute
  • Property longitude
    • XSDattribute
    • deprecated [withVersion: "1.2"; comment: "Use longitudeDeg instead."]
  • Property longitudeDeg
    • XSDattribute
  • Property verticalRoadSelection
    • XSDattribute
  • Property orientation
    • XSDelement [position: "1"]