Class RelativeClearanceCondition

Applied Stereotypes:

Checks if an amount of lanes next to the triggering entity is free from other entities. Evaluates to true, if the specified area exists and is free, otherwise evaluates to false. The longitudinal distance to be checked is defined in the lane coordinate system of the current lane of the triggering entity. In lateral direction the checked area is defined by the lane boundaries.

Used in:
  Name Type Cardinality AppliedStereotypes Description
  distanceBackward double 0..1 XSDattribute Longitudinal distance behind reference point of the entity to be checked along lane centerline of the current lane of the triggering entity. Orientation of entity towards lane determines backward direction. Velocity of entity is irrelevant. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[. Default if omitted: 0
  distanceForward double 0..1 XSDattribute Longitudinal distance in front of reference point of the entity to be checked along lane centerline of the current lane of the triggering entity. Orientation of entity towards lane determines forward direction. Velocity of entity is irrelevant. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[. Default if omitted: 0
  freeSpace boolean 1..1 XSDattribute If false, then entityRefs are only considered to be on the lane if their reference point is within the checked area; otherwise the whole bounding box is considered.
  oppositeLanes boolean 1..1 XSDattribute If true, then also lanes in the opposite direction are considered; otherwise only lanes in the same direction are considered.
  relativeLaneRange RelativeLaneRange 0..* XSDelement The lanes to be checked to left and right of the triggering entity (positive to the y-axis). If omitted: all lanes are checked.
  entityRef EntityRef 0..* XSDelement Constraint to check only specific entities. If it is not used then all entities are considered.
XSD 1.3 Representation

<xsd:complexType name="RelativeClearanceCondition">
<xsd:element name="RelativeLaneRange" type="RelativeLaneRange" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="EntityRef" type="EntityRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="oppositeLanes" type="Boolean" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="distanceForward" type="Double"/>
<xsd:attribute name="distanceBackward" type="Double"/>
<xsd:attribute name="freeSpace" type="Boolean" use="required"/>

Stereotype Details Information
  • Class
    • XSDcomplexType [modelGroup: "sequence"; mixed: "false"]
  • Property distanceBackward
    • XSDattribute
  • Property distanceForward
    • XSDattribute
  • Property freeSpace
    • XSDattribute
  • Property oppositeLanes
    • XSDattribute
  • Property relativeLaneRange
    • XSDelement [position: "1"]
  • Property entityRef
    • XSDelement [position: "2"]